25 Sep

Compared to any other industry, there is a lot to make in the real estate industry. People tend to spend money on owning their dream homes and will do what it takes.

This is why the real estate industry is always flourishing. This is an industry where both men and women can grow depending on their skills.

So how do women do in the real estate industry? Is it harder for them to fulfill their roles as agents? Or do they encounter more hardships?

Take a look at the various struggles and successes of women in real estate careers. Read more to see what makes women gravitate into joining the real estate industry.

Common Obstacles That Women Face in the Real Estate Industry

It's no question that more women are dominating their real estate careers. Despite achieving miles of success, there are still challenges that many females face.

To be fair, both women and men can face obstacles in their respective career paths.

Focusing on women in the workforce, the obstacles include barriers in the workplace. Another hindrance would be socio-economic pressure and workplace inequality.

In real estate, there is a surge of female employers. This is why there is also a need for employers to encourage women. They should recognize the presence of women and consider their advancement in their respective organizations.

Common Challenges of Women in Real Estate:

  • Inequality in pay
  • Lack of leadership roles available for them
  • Lack of opportunities for career advancement
  • Discrimination because of gender roles
  • No available mentorship
  • Personal safety at the workplace

There is an obvious wage gap for women when it comes to seniority. But this wage gap is decreasing in a gradual manner. One of the reasons for the lack of equal pay is also the lack of leadership roles available for women.

Even if some women work harder and put in more hours are work, they are still looked at a lower level. The result is that women would rather change employers to advance their careers.

When women enter a workforce dominated by men, they experience discrimination. There are subtle and more direct ways that women have experienced this. Larger brokerages have more male-dominated offices. This makes it harder for women to adjust.

Successful real estate agents get benefits from extra coaching and extra training. This can be a challenge for many women because of conflicts with their schedules.

Challenges Can Also Result to Success

With significant opportunities for women in real estate, they can overcome obstacles. Despite barriers at work, there are still women who climb to the top and lead the way. This is not impossible at all and is achievable with hard work and dedication.

Women can enjoy advantages in their careers. Getting a real estate career as a receptionist or in a secretarial position isn't the end of it. These job titles can still lead women to achieve senior property managerial roles.

Even sales agents can become owners of brokerage firms. For those who have a knack at speaking and presentations, they can be regular speakers at events. The space for growth in this industry is limitless.

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